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It's Never Too Late For The Flu Shot

MIDLAND PARK, N.J. -- Despite this year being the 'winter that never was', don't be fooled into thinking a snow-free winter is a flu-free winter, according to doctors at The Doctor's Office Urgent Care in Midland Park.

"Since the flu season has arrived late this year, it is not too late to get your flu shot. If you do get the flu there is important prescription medication and available to decrease duration and severity of symptoms and it should be started within 24 hours of symptom onset." said Dr. Dominic Ruocco of the Doctor's Office Urgent Care.

Most common in winter and early spring, the flu is a highly contagious respiratory virus that can knock even the healthiest person off their feet for weeks at a time. What can begin with the same symptoms as the common cold quickly escalates, with nausea, vomiting and fever accompanying coughing and headaches. The virus can linger for weeks, and often spreads like wildfire at homes, offices and schools.

"People should be aware that if co-workers or family members develop the flu, we recommend that they should be put on prophylactic anti-viral medication even before showing symptoms themselves." said Dr. Ruocco. "This a good preventative measure for those in close contact with the flu to keep themselves from developing the flu virus themselves.The easiest way to fight the flu is to avoid it in the first place, which is done with a simple flu vaccine shot. Covered by most insurance providers, the shot generates the necessary antibodies to keep the body from contacting the virus."

Should the flu strike you, the Doctors Office offers a range of treatments including IV medications and fluids to relive the nausea that often accompanies the illness. 

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, The Doctors' Office Urgent Care. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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