Wanted: YOU!

CLIFFVIEW PILOT wants aggressive salespeople, as well as reporters, columnists and graphic designers, to join in. If you “think outside the box,” never mind. If you believe there is no box, we want to hear from you!

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot

People wrongly believe there are certain ways not only of doing things but of seeing them. We operate differently. This is a new medium, with new opportunities. The days of dividing territories and building walls between writers and salespeople are gone. No need to repeat others’ mistakes. To put it bluntly: We’ve built a better mousetrap.

If you’re looking for a place where business isn’t hurting, it’s Internet ad sales. So why not be part of the growth? We’ll give you all the tools.

If you’re looking for a place where more readers and advertisers every day are turning — instead of irrelevant newspapers, mailings that get tossed and screaming TV “personalities” — it’s in those places where experts have opportunities to share their knowledge. So why not strut your stuff and reap the benefits? We’ve already built the stage.

If you already have your own business, check out some of our current columnists. Read their bios. Consider opportunities YOU would have as an expert in your field, and what kind of business you could generate by boosting your profile — simply by writing a column that’s published on CLIFFVIEWPILOT.

Write to Tell us what kind of experience you have, what you’re hoping to achieve, and how you think we each could benefit from a business relationship. Whether you’re just out of school or a longtime vet, we just might have a spot for you.



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