Prosecutor: Sex with Hackensack man, underage girl on video

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: A 23-year-old Hackensack man used his cellphone to shoot video — and provide investigators with hardcore evidence — of him sexually abusing an underaged girl, Bergen County Prosecutor John L. Molinelli confirmed late this aftenoon.

Photo Credit: Bergen County Prosecutor

Ashley Salas (MUGSHOT: Bergen County Prosecutor)

Molinelli said the girl told her parents it happened at their Teaneck home in August. She went to police, who alerted the prosecutor’s Special Victims Unit.

CLIFFVIEW PILOT learned that they arrested Ashley Salas of Poor Street yesterday on charges of sexual assault, child endangerment and “photographing a child in a prohibited sexual act.”

Born in the Phillipines, Salas, who Molinelli said works for a medical care company in Hackensack, is being held on $200,000 cash bail in the Bergen County Jail.

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