The youngster was sliding into third when a thrown ball struck him over his heart, Maalouf said.
“At that point, his eyes began to roll back and he had no pulse,” the chief said.
However, 40-year-old Maureen Renaghan of Harrington Park resident rushed to his aid, administered CPR and “brought him back,” Maalouf told CLIFFVIEW PILOT.
Police from Harrington Park, Emerson and Westwood then blocked intersections along Old Hook Road from Bogert Road to help speed an ambulance carrying the boy to HackensackUMC at Pascack Valley in Westwood, where AirMed One touched within minutes of the call.
After briefly tending to the child, the AirMed One crew had him in the chopper and in the air by 2:20.
The copter touched down at HUMC and the child was rushed inside less than 20 minutes later.
“My officers said he appeared stable and alert” before the ambulance headed for HackensackUMC from the ballfield, Maalouf said. “Although we’re certainly not medical experts, the prognosis looked good.”
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