Mistrial in Mahwah cleric’s statutory rape case

A juror in the statutory rape trial of assistant pastor Curtis Franklin of Mahwah researched the case online, shared what turned up with fellow jurors – and caused a mistrial, declared by a Superior Court judge in Hackensack earlier today.

Photo Credit: Bergen County Prosecutor

Curtis Franklin (COURTESY Bergen County Prosecutor)

Jurors deliberated for five days before one sent word to Superior Court Judge Edward Jerejian last week that someone among their ranks did a Wikipedia search of the case and printed out the results.

(CLIFFVIEWPILOT.COM published two stories after Franklin was arrested, including the EXCLUSIVE: Assistant pastor charged with statutory rape).

Prosecutors were trying Franklin, 44, an assistant pastor at the Mahwah Full Gospel Church, on charges of having sex with a church member beginning when she was 12 and lasting past her 16th birthday. Franklin was a volunteer to the youth ministry at the time, authorities said.

One of the jurors violated rules that clearly prohibit researching or discussing a case outside the courtroom, however.

The judge could have appointed an alternate juror, but he decided that the culprit tainted the pool.

Prosecutors brought charges after interviewing the woman two years ago. Although she considered the sex consensual, she was too young to be in bed with an adult — much less one more than twice her age, Bergen County Prosecutor John L. Molinelli said at the time.

What is statutory rape? Click here: It’s still rape

Now in her late 20s, the woman must try to return to everyday life after all the preparation and trauma of the trial. Although no official word  has yet come down, she will await notice of when prosecutors intend to try Franklin again.

A status hearing is set for Sept. 12.

Franklin’s father-in-law, 73-year-old senior pastor Jack D. Walker also was arrested a month after him and charged with having sex with an under-aged girl (SEE: Pastor had sex with girl under 13, cops say


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