PC club preaches inclusion, then excludes

RENEE ANTONELLI VALENTE: Imagine a politically correct Christmas: Linus under a gag order banning him from telling his little classmates the true meaning of the holiday, Tiny Tim dragged out by his crutches the moment he tries to “God bless us all,” and that radical, imperialistic William Shakespeare watching his works turned to kindling.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot
Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot

The politically correct movement is the bastard child of morality. There: I said it (actually, I wrote it). And although I run the risk of becoming the Salman Rushdie of the suburban set, I feel a moral obligation to point out that, in a society so obsessed by what’s politically correct, people have lost sight of what’s right.

Renee Antonelli Valente

I could be mistaken, but isn’t it all about inclusion? 

It happens all the time, too. People splash “warning labels” on everything that doesn’t fall under the group of the moment’s ideals, then puff out their chests like they‘re the sheriffs who just cleaned up the town. For instance:

–  A friend of mine said a meeting was held because a clipart image on a company-wide powerpoint training document  was deemed “offensive.” The image? A photo of a white male. 

–  A grade school child was asked to revise his winter break report because it was a story about a “Christmas” ornament. “Christmas” needed to be changed to “holiday.”

–  A brochure from a popular vendor that produces photographs of people had every holiday listed on its pre-printed cards except — you guessed it: Christmas.

Sorry folks, but “Merry Christmas” belongs with “Happy Hanukkah,” “Happy Kwanzaa,” “Happy Ramadan,” Winter Solstice and heck, why not even Festivus?

And if you remove one in order to accommodate any of the others, you’ve just turned your argument inside out.

It’s not only socially acceptable to red-ink anything that’s become the established “norm.” These tradition practices or beliefs are fair game for the PC police to scorn — or even ridicule.

Discuss Buddha or the Dali Lama or Allah, all of whom presented similar principles and ideas of peace and tolerance, and you’re immediately considered insightful, intelligent — even deep. But mention Jesus in the same breath and you’ve cleared the room.

Wanna really ruffle some feathers?  Tell people out this way that you’re Republican.  Doesn’t matter that every party has something worthwhile to contribute. 

I’m sorry, but I just can’t take people seriously whose beliefs become biases. It’s like the smoker who runs the anti-tobacco campaign or the cop who scores drugs for his stripper girlfriend.  Sorry, guys. I‘m not buying it.

I know I can’t fight an entire movement. Heck, it’s enough to keep my offspring in line.  But I can — God Bless America — defend what I believe is right.

That’s the beauty of being American and having a Bill of Rights, and not one of privileges.  I have the right to believe what I like, say what I wish, and express myself within the confines of both the law and my own morality.  And if no one likes it, they can click on through.

She might have moved to the ‘burbs, but this Union (City) Hiller took her city roots — and her attitude — with her. Renee Antonelli Valente is a true ‘tweener’, book-ended by a feisty mom in her 70s and her own inquisitive grade-schoolers. Still, she finds time to rock out — and put bigoted, cruel and disingenuous people in their respective places.

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