Lawyers: Employers should make workers bang on the drum all day

Employment lawyers are urging employers to make sure their workers take time off this year, a published report says. Amid the shaky economy, recent studies show “a big chunk of the workforce is saying no to vacation this year, worried that a short break from work may lead to a permanent one,” Tresa Baldas writes in The National Law Journal.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot

A recent annual vacation survey by found that “more than one-third of American workers don’t plan to take a vacation this year — naming lack of funds and feelings of guilt and anxiety as the reasons for staying home,” Baldas wrote.

Of course, overworked employees are more prone to exhaustion, sickness and mistakes.

However, “unused vacation time can also trigger an administrative and payroll nightmare” who try to cash them out at the end of the year.

“People are concerned about their jobs,” Steve Miller of the Chicago office of Atlanta’s Fisher & Phillips told Baldas.
“They figure, ‘If I’m seen in the office every day, and I can show them I’m dedicated and working, they’re not going to let me go,’ “

Some companies who’ve included it in their policies can schedule vacations for employees.

Sure, there will be times when you need all hands on deck — in a crisis, or even to deal with a harder-working competitor.

But as soon as the crisis passes, the experts say, get some employees out of the office, even if just for a little while.

Tresa Baldas can be reached at

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