By Any Means Necessary: An Editorial

We have come to expect Wild West shootouts in Newark, where more senseless killings happened yesterday. Or from Camden, the Bridgeport of New Jersey. But Jersey City brings rampant lawlessness closer to home for pockets of Hudson and Bergen residents, good people with children, who are trying to make their way in what already is a difficult world.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot

Mourning hasn’t even begun for Police Officer Marc DiNardo and Jersey City is already rocked by another group of thugs who turned their guns on police early this morning. Three robbers were being chased by police around 4 a.m. when one of them squeezed off nine shots, according to a report on The robbers then rammed their car into a police cruiser before being arrested.

This comes after another report yesterday about a woman who was stripped, beaten and raped in the same part of the city, and only hours before DiNardo officially made the ultimate sacrifice: Taken off life support, his organs harvested were harvested for donation. Even in death, as in life, one of our finest puts others first.

Jerry DeMarco

It’s too early now, too disrespectful to Detective DiNardo, to begin deconstructing the decision from the top that sent him to his eventual death — the building was evacuated, the perps holed up inside the apartment were armed — before a negotiating team could arrive. That’s another argument for another time.

Right now, though, we can ask what collectively brought us to this point.

There’s been a lot of yammering throughout North Jersey — and the state and the country — about police salaries and pensions and benefits. West New York officials are threatening to lay off ONE THIRD of their police force. Meanwhile, some media choose to write story after story about police retirement packages and “golden parachutes” and what all this police presence costs the taxpayer.

And Cory Booker, a good-hearted man, makes pronouncement after pronouncement about fixing the ills of society while body after body continues to drop around him.

We have a government willing to throw countless billions at an overseas war that may never be decided, and at a domestic “War on Drugs” that can never be won.

Why not a war on domestic terrorists? Why not Patriot Act tactics that help detectives build cases against the thugs who are brazen enough to fire at cops?

I’ll tell you why: Because no one knows where they are. Like true terrorists, they blend in with the rest and suddenly emerge when no one is looking. Then all hell breaks loose.

Out of blind loyalty — or, more likely, terror — we gave a president carte blanche eight years ago to pursue those who would destroy us to the ends of the earth.

Maybe it’s time to give local authorities the same blank check, with a huge, tight string attached. Here you go, chief: Take this money, hire more cops, get more tactical, find the baddest of the bad. But don’t come back looking for more until you’ve started cleaning up the street — by any means necessary.


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