
Rochelle Park Dairy Queen

Undercover Crossers: That Pedestrian You Don’t Stop For In Rochelle Park Could Be Police Undercover Crossers: That Pedestrian You Don’t Stop For In Rochelle Park Could Be Police
Undercover Crossers: That Pedestrian You Don’t Stop For In Rochelle Park Could Be Police Rochelle Park police aim to reduce the number of pedestrians struck by vehicles by crossing busy streets themselves – in plain clothes. The undercover street-crossers aren't looking only for motorists who fail to yield during the 60-day educational campaign that began on Wednesday. They’re also targeting jaywalkers and pedestrians who don’t cross streets safely – while also enforcing bicycle helmet safety. “Regrettably, since January 2019, Rochelle Park has experienced several serious collisions involving pedestrians,” Police Chief Robert Flannelly said. In one instance, an SUV struck an…