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New Forbes Rankings Of 400 Wealthiest Americans Include These New Jersey Residents New Forbes Rankings Of 400 Wealthiest Americans Include These New Jersey Residents
New Forbes Rankings Of 400 Wealthiest Americans Include These New Jersey Residents Some of the richest people in the U.S. are calling New Jersey home, according to the brand-new Forbes magazine annual rankings of the wealthiest 400 Americans. For the first time since 1994, Bill Gates has not claimed the No. 1 spot on Forbes' list of 400 richest Americans: That goes to Amazon.com founder and CEO Jeff Bezos -- clocking in at $160 billion. Additionally, Donald Trump has dropped 11 places from last year. With a net worth of $3.1 billion, Trump is now the 259th-richest person in the 2018 Forbes 400. He was 248th in the 2017 Forbes 400 when his net worth fell from $3.7 billion…