
Marler Clark

FDA IDs Source Of Tainted Romaine That Caused E. Coli Scare FDA IDs Source Of Tainted Romaine That Caused E. Coli Scare
FDA IDs Source Of Tainted Romaine That Caused E. Coli Scare Federal investigators have linked an E. coli outbreak contaminating romaine lettuce that has sickened nearly 100 people over 22 states - including in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut - to an Arizona farm. For weeks, consumers have been warned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have advised residents to avoid romaine lettuce when shopping, as 98 people fell ill following an E. coli outbreak that was first reported in March. The FDA announced that Harrison Farms in Yuma has been identified as the potential source of the outbreak. “The CDC and FDA are continuing to advise c…