
Jay Hernandez

Secaucus Tattoo Artist: 'I Finally Found My Purpose' Secaucus Tattoo Artist: 'I Finally Found My Purpose'
Secaucus Tattoo Artist: 'I Finally Found My Purpose' If it makes a mark, then Jay Hernandez is using it. He doesn't have a college degree and he barely scraped through high school. But he says he's living his dream as a tattoo artist at Our Lady of Ink in Secaucus. And for the first time in his life, Hernandez feels at peace. "I've always been larger than life," said the artist, 31 of Fair Lawn. "But when I'm drawing, whether it's on an envelope or a wall, I'm quiet. "Tattooing is the only thing in my life that's given me purpose." Hernandez has long been the "eccentric one" in his family, he said -- complete with piercings, over-the-top …