
Emma Ike

3 People Including Motorcyclist Rescued From North Jersey Lake (PHOTOS) 3 People Including Motorcyclist Rescued From North Jersey Lake (PHOTOS)
3 People Including Motorcyclist Rescued From North Jersey Lake (Photos) Three people including a motorcyclist were rescued after falling through a Morris County lake Sunday. Police were called to Lake Musconetcong just before 5 p.m., where James Best had fallen through the ice. After several failed attempts at pulling him out, an officer got a rope from a Stanhope officer to retrieve him, Netcong firefighters said in a release. A few seconds later, a female identified as Emma Ike fell through the ice. An officer threw a rescue rope for Ike to hold onto and, a few moments later, Netcong firefighters were able to assist in pulling her out of the water and over th…