Detective Lt. Joseph Dawicki and Detective Anthony Lugo, working with School Resource Officer Sean Nagle, first detained the boy Monday afternoon, then brought him home, Sgt. Brian Metzler said.
There, with a parent present, they found 4.6 ounces of marijuana, a digital scale and “personal use paraphernalia” in a lock box in his bedroom, Metzler said.
The boy, who was released to his parent at the residence, will answer a delinquency complaint in the Family Division of Superior Court in Hackensack charging him with drug possession and distribution, as well as possession of drug paraphernalia, the sergeant said.
ALSO SEE: A Fair Lawn health care professional was charged with leaving the scene of what became a fatal crash after her husband jumped on the hood of her car to try to stop her from leaving during an argument and fell off as it was moving.
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