
Wayne Hall

Police: Ex-Con 'Soverign Citizen' Tazed After Lunging For Englewood Officer's Gun In Court Police: Ex-Con 'Soverign Citizen' Tazed After Lunging For Englewood Officer's Gun In Court
Police: Ex-Con 'Soverign Citizen' Tazed After Lunging For Englewood Officer's Gun In Court An ex-con with a history of fighting with police lunged for an Englewood officer’s gun in court and had to be tased, handcuffed and dragged out, authorities said. Wayne Hall, a 29-year-old transient who has claimed to be a “sovereign citizen,” had just been sentenced to 10 days in jail for driving on the suspended list for the sixth time when he “became belligerent and attempted to argue with the judge,” Detective Capt. Timothy Torell said. City police Officers Sean O'Hara, Carlos Calderin and Jason Mejia, who were handling court security on Tuesday, tried to restrain Hall, who resisted, To…