
Twin Kicks Karate

Cartwheeling Kid Goes Viral: NJ Teelball Player Gets Shoutout From ESPN, GMA Cartwheeling Kid Goes Viral: NJ Teelball Player Gets Shoutout From ESPN, GMA
Cartwheeling Kid Goes Viral: NJ Teelball Player Gets Shoutout From ESPN, GMA Well that's one way to get to first base. Mattea DiGirolamo, a 6-year-old Kenilworth kindergartener, is going viral for her unique approach to base-running.  At a recent T-ball game while playing for the Kenilworth Rockhounds, Mattea hit the ball and decided to elude the defense by cartwheeling her way to first base. And it worked! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Oprah Daily (@oprahdaily) A video of her exploits has almost two million views on Twitter and has been shared by NBC Sports, ESPN and got a shoutout on Good Morning Ame…