
St. Mary

FOOTBRAWL: St. Mary, Harrison High School Game Stopped After Benches Clear, Fans Rush Field FOOTBRAWL: St. Mary, Harrison High School Game Stopped After Benches Clear, Fans Rush Field
Footbrawl: St. Mary, Harrison High School Game Stopped After Benches Clear, Fans Rush Field Benches cleared and fans ran onto the field during a brawl that canceled the varsity football game Saturday between St. Mary and Harrison high schools in Rutherford before halftime. Police restored order as the Oct. 29th game was called in only the second quarter with the Gaels of St. Mary winning 30-0. No injuries were reported, Rutherford Police Chief John Russo said. An investigation was underway with possible charges expected. "It began with players and coaches, then ended with fans entering the field," the chief said. "We have accusations of several assaults but we were una…