
Sign Language

First ResPAWnders: American Bully From Lyndhurst Follows Sign Language Commands First ResPAWnders: American Bully From Lyndhurst Follows Sign Language Commands
First ResPAWnders: American Bully From Lyndhurst Follows Sign Language Commands Meet Fortress, a 4-year-old American Bully from Lyndhurst. Her dad Raymond Skop is a firefighter with the Jersey City Fire Department. Fortress is in training to become a service dog for Skop's wife, Leah Skop. She follows sign language commands, is inquisitive and loves her family -- "she is an expert at loving us," Skop said. Fortress is smart and expressive, she doesn’t bark -- she can but she chooses not to, her owner said. Instead, she huffs and puffs, tap dancing when she’s excited. She grunts when you're taking too long to serve her food. The pup is always happy -- as long as she's…