Hudson man who posed as Navy SEAL convicted of luring teen girl into sex

BEYOND BERGEN: A Hudson County man was convicted this week of posing as a Navy SEAL and then a Victoria’s Secret owner to get a 15-year-old girl to pose for naked photos.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot File Photo

Gregory John Schaffer, 35, of Bayonne, was found guilty of enticement to travel to engage in illegal sexual activity, enticement of a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity, attempted enticement to travel to engage in illegal sexual activity, and enticement of a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity after a three-day trial in federal court in Brooklyn.

A married father, Schaffer found the victim on craigslist, where she’d posted an ad seeking a job during the summer or after school.

Authorities said he got her to send him a photo, then conned her into coming to the office alone after she first brought a friend.

He told her he owned a Victoria’s Secret shop at Newport Centre Mall, along with three other stores there, then convinced the girl to sign an employment contract and confidentiality agreement, federal prosecutors said.

He then told the unwitting teen that she’d just agreed in writing to have sex with him, they said.

Prosecutors said Schaffer — who also goes by the name John Archambeault — then threatened to tell authorities her boyfriend had sex with an underaged girl and sue her great-grandmother (her legal guardian) if she refused.

After capturing images of the girl in lingerie and a bathing suit — while he was wearing a Speedo — Schaffer forced her to have sex with him on a desk, then swore her to secrecy, they said. But she told her boyfriend, who went to authorities.

Prosecutors described Schaffer as a transient with a prison record for theft and several lawsuits against him.

He also posed on a dating site in a Navy uniform, claiming to be a former SEAL. But he was quickly busted by Don Shipley, who makes it his business to take down military service imposters.

When federal agents raided an office that Schaffer was keeping in Jersey City, they said, they found sex toys, handcuffs, condoms and photos of naked or swimsuit-clad teen girls.


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