Accused Englewood sex offender molested other girl over several years, authorities charge

ANOTHER CVP EXCLUSIVE: A man originally charged with sexually abusing a 12-year-old Englewood girl last winter had been molesting another girl for nearly seven years, an indictment returned against him this week alleges.

Photo Credit: Courtesy BERGEN COUNTY SHERIFF

Investigators from the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Special Victims Unit took Victor Brito Casimiro into custody on Dec. 16, charging him with sexually assaulting the 12-year-old over the previous two weeks.

A judge ordered him held on $250,000 bail in the Bergen County Jail and required that he surrender his passport.

Additional charges were brought following interviews with a second alleged victim who the indictment says was five when Casimiro began molesting her in 2007.

It continued until the end of September last year, the indictment alleges.

Casimiro, whose bail is now $300,000, was first charged with a single count of aggravated sexual assault on the first girl through digital penetration, as well as three counts of sexual assault for allegedly touching the girl’s vagina, buttocks and breasts.

The indictment adds two sexual assault charges in connection with the second girl.

It also charges Casimiro with impairing the morals of both.


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