When’s the last time Mississippi had a white Christmas? We don’t know, either.
Huntsville, Ala., had an unheard-of three inches. Last time it snowed there, in 1989, all of .3 inches fell.
Continental, for one, isn’t waiting to see what drifts may come: It has canceled about 250 domestic mainline and regional departures for Sunday, spokesman Andrew J. Ferraro said.
So if you were looking to skate before Grandma serves up another slab of fruitcake. Sorry.
“Be prepared to wait it out,” said Joe Dee, spokesman for the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
Just think: More time with the relatives. A LOT more time.
Unfortunately, what you’ll see by 3 o’clock or so this afternoon (roughly 5 inches) is nothing compared to what the National Weather Service says is in store for us overnight into tomorrow morning (another 7.5-10 inches). All told, we could be looking at up to 18 inches.
Original reports were that the fist flakes would fall at 6. But the ETA for North Jersey has been pushed back to noon. The heavy hit will come after 5 p.m., with serious blizzard conditions. And although the snow itself will taper off in the morning, the winds will still be kicking flakes into drifts — and in your face.
Don’t worry: The airlines are all offering penalty waivers. But you’ll have to call.
Meantime, you’ll be able to watch plenty of local football, if that’s your thing: Call it dumb luck, but both the Giants and the Jets are on the road.
What is interesting: The Vikings — who’ve already had their season altered by snow — were supposed to be playing in Philadelphia tonight. The game’s been moved to 8 p.m. Tuesday.
What is ironic: The Patriots — who play their homes games in Foxboro, where up to 20 inches is expected — are in Buffalo, which usually gets worse, but not in this case.
In fact, don’t even THINK about going anywhere if you’re reading this from New England. Forecasters say you could be looking at nearly TWO FEET, “extremely dangerous” travel conditions and “widespread power outtages,” with heavy snow and wind expected to take down electrical lines.
Stay safe, OK?
A big melt starts Tuesday, with New Jersey-area temps pushing toward 40 degrees. Before long, the Big Blizzard will be a not-so-fond memory.
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