Brace Yourself, Santa: Here Come Christmas Requests From Cresskill

CRESSKILL, N.J. -- Dear Santa: Better clean your reading glasses. You're about to get 150 to 200 letters from children in Cresskill!

Gina Giardini and Cresskill Recreation Director Barbara Mann help collect letters to Santa.

Gina Giardini and Cresskill Recreation Director Barbara Mann help collect letters to Santa.

Photo Credit: Melissa Heule

You see, Santa, they've moved the annual letter collections box from Borough Hall to the Recreation Center in anticipation of a flood of notes.

Everyone has to drop theirs off by Dec. 1 so that you'll have enough time to read them all.

Most are in English, but some are in Italian or Spanish (We know that you understand us all!).

“Who wouldn't be thrilled to participate?” Gina Giardini said. She's with the Recreation Department -- and one of your biggest helpers around here.

Better be on your toes, Santa: Each letter may include questions about you, Mrs. Claus, the elves and even the North Pole.

We can't wait to get your handwritten responses on decorated paper, the way you've done for so many years. It makes all of us feel special.

Thanks, Santa. See you soon.

Be sure to keep an eye out for the mailman!

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