
Anthony Muccio

PalPark Detectives Charge Local Resident With Masturbating In Public PalPark Detectives Charge Local Resident With Masturbating In Public
PalPark Detectives Charge Local Resident With Masturbating In Public Palisades Park detectives arrested a borough man after a pedestrian said she found him masturbating on the main drag. The 35-year-old borough victim came to police headquarters and said she'd seen the man in the act as she walked on Broad Avenue near Washington Place the night of Nov. 9, Capt. Anthony Muccio said. A sketch artist produced a composite based on her description that detectives used to identify Hugo Lopez, 33, said Muccio, the officer in charge of the department. Lopez was arrested on Friday and released on a disorderly persons summons, answerable in Municipal Court, charging …
Palisades Park Police Commander Tries Unique Approach To Reducing Vehicle Thefts, Break-Ins Palisades Park Police Commander Tries Unique Approach To Reducing Vehicle Thefts, Break-Ins
Palisades Park Police Commander Tries Unique Approach To Reducing Vehicle Thefts, Break-Ins A steady stream of warnings about vehicles being stolen or burglarized in North Jersey still hasn't convinced most potential victims to lock their cars and take their key fobs, so Palisades Park Police Capt. Anthony Muccio is trying a different tack. Officers participating in Muccio's "Operation Secure Vehicle" are patrolling neighborhoods looking for unlocked vehicles. When they find one in a driveway, they turn on their body cameras and knock on the door or ring the bell of the home to notify the owner. Then they hand them a flier. Over three nights this past weekend, borough police noti…
Palpark PD: Motorcycle Thieves Claimed To Be Looking For Grandma’s House Palpark PD: Motorcycle Thieves Claimed To Be Looking For Grandma’s House
Palpark PD: Motorcycle Thieves Claimed To Be Looking For Grandma’s House A group of teenage thieves who stole a sporty motorcycle from outside its owner’s house before dawn were quickly caught by Palisades Park police. The Edsall Boulevard owner was headed to work early Thursday when he pulled the KTM 390 to the street before running back inside for a moment, Capt. Anthony Muccio said. “When he came out, it was gone, so he called police,” said Muccio, the department’s officer in charge. Two suspects were pushing the motorcycle down 3rd Street when Officers Michael DeBartolo, David Chun, Hochan Choi and Matthew Carley pulled up, the captain said. They ditched …