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Ridgewood EMS, Valley Hospital Pilot Rapid Response Technology

RIDGEWOOD, N.J. -- Ridgewood Emergency Services, in partnership with The Valley Hospital, has become one of the first EMS providers in New Jersey to participate in a pilot trial of Twiage, an ambulance triage system that accelerates life-saving emergency care.

The trial, sponsored by Valley, utilizes Twiage’s smartphone platform to streamline and accelerate the care of patients with medical emergencies upon arrival at the hospital.

“Believe it or not, radios are still the current standard of communication between ambulances and the emergency room," said John Hui, Executive Vice President of Twiage. "Nurses have to step away from patient care to take incoming ambulance calls without knowing which ambulances carry patients with critical conditions.”

Now Ridgewood EMTs can use the Twiage secured smartphone app to capture patient vital signs and demographic information via photos and videos, so hospital emergency departments can improve preparedness for incoming patients. Designed to reduce reliance on antiquated radio communication, Twiage is a HIPAA-compliant system that delivers real-time situational awareness of incoming ambulances to busy emergency departments by providing live patient data and GPS-tracked ETA for all incoming ambulances.

The Valley Hospital is one of the early pioneers in the country to launch Twiage, and the care of nearly 150 Valley Hospital patients has been coordinated over the platform in just 2 months. “I believe this program can be of great benefit to achieve our duties as Emergency Medical Technicians," said Ridgewood EMS Captain Murray Yang. "Every second matters in achieving a positive outcome for a patient who is in need of emergency medical care." 

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, The Valley Hospital . Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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