Yankees Manager Joe Girardi practically risked his life on the way home from winning the World Series last night, hopping out of his car and darting across traffic to help a woman whose vehicle had crashed into a wall.
“The guy wins the World Series, what does he do? He stops to help,” Westchester County police officer Kathleen Cristiano told the Journal News. “It was totally surreal.” The 27-year-old driver from Connecticut was stunned but OK, she said.
If you know the area, you won’t be surpised that the 2:25 a.m. crash occured in the eastbound lanes along a long blind curve where the two-lane Cross County Parkway meets the three-lane Hutchinson River Parkway, just before the New Rochelle Road exit. In fact, Giradi could’ve gotten himself killed running across the highway, where traffic routinely zips by at an 80-mile-an-hour clip — slightly faster than the home run pitch Pedro Martinez served up to Hideki Matsui last night.
Cristiano was part of a unit at a drunk-driving checkpoint that both Andy Pettitte and Giradi had passed through moments earlier. The officer — a huge Yankee fan — said she congratulated the manager and waved him through.
“He was jumping up and down, trying to flag me down,” Cristiano told the Journal News. “You don’t expect him standing by a car accident trying to help….The driver didn’t know it was him until after I told her.”
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