Bergen County Police detectives charge photographer with not delivering wedding photos, videos

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: A portrait photographer who authorities said tried to elude capture was caught yesterday by Bergen County Police officers on charges of stiffing four customers of $12,000 for videos and photos from their weddings.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot File Photo

It was a year ago Feb. 8 that  John Bentz, an investigator with the Bergen County Office of Consumer Affairs, began looking into complaints by customers who said their contracts weren’t honored by M.S. Photography LLC of Bergenfield.

M.S. Photography LLC closed without any word from the registered owner, Imelda M. Silva of West New York, they said.

“Several attempts were made were made to have her honor her obligations, but Mrs. Silva failed to comply and was very elusive to the authorities,” BCPD Lt. Robert Espinosa said early this morning.

Just before 9 a.m. yesterday, BCPD investigators found and arrested the 54-year-old Silva on a warrant, he said.

“This was a coordinated effort between the Bergen County [Office of] Consumer Affairs and the Bergen County Police Department,” the lieutenant said.

While the consumer affairs office works to obtain restitution for the victimized brides and their families, Espinosa said, his department “will continue its investigation to recover the photos and deliver them to their rightful owners.”

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