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Keep Your Wheels Moving This Fall With Simple Car Maintenance Tips

HAWTHORNE, N.J. -- With the heat of summer over, there's no better way to enjoy the fall foliage than a scenic drive to see the changing leaves. However, nothing can cause a road trip to go south faster than an unexpected breakdown. According to the service technicians at Hawthorne Chevrolet, an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure when it comes to your car this fall.

First and foremost, the car's cooling system should be examined as weather begins to chill. A 50/50 mix of antifreeze and water should be added to ensure the engine stays cool while operating but does not freeze when sitting overnight. 

Being stuck with a dead battery on a cold night is no fun at all, but by testing voltage and cleaning any corrosion off the terminals, you can catch a weak battery before it dies at exactly the wrong time. It's always a good idea to keep a pair of jumper cables on hand in the event the battery drains.

The fall is also a great time to inspect tire treads. As the weather gets colder, wet leaves and ice can create a slippery surface bald tires. If treads are worn, new tires are in order. Tire pressure drops one PSI, or pound per square inch, for every 10-degree drop in temperature, so be sure to regularly check tire pressure. Don't forget to check out the spare tire as well!

In the event that an unexpected breakdown does occur, having the right emergency kit onboard to wait out a chilly fall night can make all the difference. Be sure to always have several essentials, such as boots, a blanket, flashlight, shovel and a cell phone. Stashing a few high energy snacks in the glove box can also make passing the time a little easier should help be a ways away.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Hawthorne Chevrolet. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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