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Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month At The Valley Hospital

RIDGEWOOD, N.J. -- According to recent statistics, roughly 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime and about 40,000 women will die from the disease. While these statistics are alarming, advancements in the detection of and care for women with breast cancer, young women may see these stats decline in their lifetimes.

The Breast Center at The Blumenthal Cancer Center offers the most advanced treatment options in the area.

Photo Credit: ValleyHospital

The philosophy of caring for women with breast cancer is changing, and The Valley Hospital's Breast Center continues to use innovative approaches to provide patients with the best of what oncoplastics has to offer.

Oncoplastic surgery, which combines the latest plastic surgery techniques with breast surgery, is improving cosmetic surgical outcomes.

More women are getting chemotherapy or hormone therapy before surgery to shrink large tumors enough to let them have a breast-conserving operation instead of a mastectomy. But for those choosing mastectomies, an increasing number are opting for immediate reconstruction at the same time the cancer is removed, rather than undergoing several operations, which has been the standard for many years. 

In addition to oncoplastics, The Valley Hopsital provides a variety of treatment choices, including the latest advances in medical oncology, opportunities to enroll in clinical trials, and the new radioactive seed localization, which allows doctors to precisely pinpoint and remove very small breast cancers that can be seen on a mammogram but not felt in the breast.

Specialized programs and services offered after treatment include support groups; nutritional guidance; and integrative medicine services, such as yoga, T’ai Chi Chih, guided meditation, and massage therapy.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, The Valley Hospital . Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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