
Vehicle Entrapment

Violent Head-On Crash Outside Redland Middle School Seriously Injures, Traps At Least One Violent Head-On Crash Outside Redland Middle School Seriously Injures, Traps At Least One
Violent Head-On Crash Outside Redland Middle School Seriously Injures, Traps At Least One At least one person was seriously injured after a violent crash over the weekend in Montgomery County, authorities say. The victim was trapped inside of a vehicle after the collision that occurred around 10 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 9 in the 6500 block of Muncaster Mill Road near Bowie Mill Road, according to a Montgomery County Fire and Rescue spokesperson. Update - Muncaster Mill Rd, collision, w/ entrapment, 1 person extricated, @MCFRS_EMIHS transported 1 adult patient Pri1 trauma https://t.co/WL68lp2lfz pic.twitter.com/4GRbn6298G — Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) October 10, 2022 The adult vict…