
Richard Blankenship

'One Helluva Firefighter': Howard County's Richard Blankenship Dies, 47 'One Helluva Firefighter': Howard County's Richard Blankenship Dies, 47
'One Helluva Firefighter': Howard County's Richard Blankenship Dies, 47 Longtime Baltimore area firefighter Richard Blankenship died on Dec. 20 surrounded by his family after a valiant battle against cancer. He was 47 years old. A Laurel native, Blankenship worked as a career firefighter for 20 years and was described as a "fireman's fireman." He ran haunted house "Laurel's House of Horror" for seven years. His wife, Charlene, announced his passing on Facebook. "He fought hard. He was tough all the way to the end," she wrote. "My heart breaks [into] many pieces as does those that loved and knew him. He helped save many lives and was a good family man. He kept …