

Berkshire Goats Chow Down On Unwanted Christmas Trees Berkshire Goats Chow Down On Unwanted Christmas Trees
Berkshire Goats Chow Down On Unwanted Christmas Trees Real Christmas trees are great - until it's time to dump them. Instead of ditching trees in haphazard places, lovers of spruces and firs can recycle their trees in a uniquely natural way, via goat.  A herd of 21 Nigerian dwarf goats resides at Hokaheh Farm in Housatonic, where they are employed in a mutually beneficial act of community service in which they help ease post-holiday blues by disposing of difficult-to-dump Christmas trees, and get a snack in the process.  To donate a leftover tree to the goats, people simply drop their tree off at a designated area at the farm. The goats may b…