
Rick Hoyt

Boston Marathon Icon Rick Hoyt Dies After Breaking Barriers For 46 Years Boston Marathon Icon Rick Hoyt Dies After Breaking Barriers For 46 Years
Boston Marathon Icon Rick Hoyt Dies After Breaking Barriers For 46 Years A Massachusetts man who participated in races and triathlons from a wheelchair pushed by his father is being remembered as a pioneer in advocacy and inclusion.  Rick Hoyt, a man with quadriplegia who competed in 32 Boston Marathons, died at age 61 from complications with his respiratory system, according to the Hoyt Foundation.  Rick began his racing career in 1977, when he asked his father, Dick Hoyt, to help him participate in a run to benefit a Lacrosse player who had been paralyzed in an accident.  The five mile run was the first of many the pair would compete in, sparking a lifetime …