
Boil Water Advisory

West Mass City Says Its Water Is Safe To Drink Again West Mass City Says Its Water Is Safe To Drink Again
West Mass City Says Its Water Is Safe To Drink Again West Springfield residents no longer need to boil their water before using it. City officials lifted the order Friday, April 21, after a second round of tests showed the water was safe to drink.  The boil order was implemented after a 24-inch water transmission pipe on Gooseberry Road broke on Tuesday, causing low pressure for hundreds of residents and fears about potential bacterial infections.  The Department of Public Works repaired the pipe, and the EPA ran multiple water quality tests over several days to verify it was safe to consume from the tap, the city said in its announcement.  …
Boil Tap Water Before Using It In West Springfield After 'Major' Water Main Burst Boil Tap Water Before Using It In West Springfield After 'Major' Water Main Burst
Boil Tap Water Before Using It In West Springfield After 'Major' Water Main Burst Officials in West Springfield warn residents to boil their tap water before consuming it after a water main broke on Tuesday, April 18, causing "dangerously lowered water pressure." The city posted this warning on its website: Due to a major water main break, certain areas in town have experienced dangerously lowered water pressure. As a result, the Water Department is issuing a boil water order for the impacted areas of town outlined below. West Springfield is working to isolate the area to conduct repairs. When water is available in the impacted area, DO NOT CONSUME TAP WATER WITHOUT BOIL…