
Wood Lane, Maynard, MA

Found: Police Ask For Help To Find Missing Maynard 4-Year-Old Found: Police Ask For Help To Find Missing Maynard 4-Year-Old
Found: Police Ask For Help To Find Missing Maynard 4-Year-Old Police located the child safely on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 19, officials said "Thank you to all who assisted in the search," Maynard police wrote on Twitter. Original story: Police are seeking a 4-year-old, identified only as Ruthie, in the area of Wood Lane in Maynard, according to the Maynard Police Department. Ruthie was last seen wearing a pink skirt and a striped shirt, which police shared an image of.  The public is asked to avoid the area as officers and a K9 unit search for the missing girl.  Anyone who sees the child is asked to call the Maynard Police Departm…