
East Timonium Road, Timonium, MD

Some Residents Advised To Remain Indoors In Baltimore County Due To Barricade (DEVELOPING) Some Residents Advised To Remain Indoors In Baltimore County Due To Barricade (DEVELOPING)
Some Residents Advised To Remain Indoors In Baltimore County Due To Barricade (Developing) The Baltimore County Police Department is dealing with a new barricade situation with a new suspect in Timonium. An alert was issued by the department at approximately 10:30 a.m. on Friday morning cautioning that officers are at the scene of a standoff in the 100 block of East Timonium Road. Residents in the area have been told to stay indoors and motorists are being advised to avoid the area. Traffic is being rerouted along East Timonium Road between Greenmeadow Drive and Eastridge Road. Residents who live in this area are being asked to stay indoors. Motorists coming from Midridge an…