
Showers and Thunderstorms

Damaging Winds, Hail, Tornadoes Possible From Storms Heading To DMV Region Damaging Winds, Hail, Tornadoes Possible From Storms Heading To DMV Region
Damaging Winds, Hail, Tornadoes Possible From Storms Heading To DMV Region Severe weather is being tracked toward the region, forecasters are warning. Showers and thunderstorms are expected to impact neighborhoods in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia beginning on Sunday, Aug. 6 and into Monday, when things are expected to get worse before they get better. Heads up #MoCo, we're about to get rocked soon. Rain should start moving in around 530-545 and the heavy stuff will hit soon after. Right now the storm should be moving out around 2 am. Be ready for power outages, trees/lines down. And severe traffic delays. #BePrepared pic.twitter.com/96w2Dkorp8 — Montg…