

Best Viewing Chances Coming In 'Parade Of Planets': Here's When To Keep Eye On Sky Best Viewing Chances Coming In 'Parade Of Planets': Here's When To Keep Eye On Sky
Best Viewing Chances Coming In 'Parade Of Planets': Here's When To Keep Eye On Sky Skywatchers, get ready for an unforgettable weeks-long celestial spectacle. This rare phenomenon, nicknamed the "Parade of Planets," offers a unique opportunity for viewers to observe multiple planets in the night sky. What to Expect Shortly after sunset through mid-February, the six planets -- Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Venus -- will align across the night sky.  "Venus, Saturn and Neptune will be bunched together low in the southwestern sky, while Mars, with its distinct reddish hue, Jupiter and Uranus will glow higher in the southern sky," according to AccuWea…
Here's When To Watch Most Popular Meteor Show Of Year Here's When To Watch Most Popular Meteor Show Of Year
Here's When To Watch Most Popular Meteor Show Of Year The best meteor shower of the year is about to peak. The Perseid meteor shower, marked by swift and bright streaks, frequently leaves long "wakes" of light and color behind as it moves through Earth's atmosphere, according to NASA.  The most significant activity is expected to occur on the night of Sunday, Aug. 11, into the early morning hours of Monday, Aug. 12, and possibly Tuesday, Aug. 13. Perseids are best viewed in the Northern Hemisphere during the pre-dawn hours, though meteors from this shower can be seen as early as 10 p.m. NASA says. EarthSky.com says that "the best t…
Best Chance To See Jupiter In 59 Years Best Chance To See Jupiter In 59 Years
Best Chance To See Jupiter In 59 Years If you've never seen Jupiter, you'll get your best chance in 59 years Monday night, Sept. 26, officials say. With a good set of binoculars, the giant planet should be the second brightest image in the sky after the moon for several nights, NASA said on its blog. Stargazers can expect excellent views of Jupiter the entire night Monday when the giant planet reaches opposition, NASA said. From the viewpoint of Earth’s surface, opposition happens when an astronomical object rises in the east as the Sun sets in the west, placing the object and the Sun on opposite sides of Earth. Jupiter’s oppo…