
Sexual Offense

No Bail For MBTA Mastubator With History Of Flashing Strangers: DA No Bail For MBTA Mastubator With History Of Flashing Strangers: DA
No Bail For MBTA Mastubator With History Of Flashing Strangers: DA A 56-year-old man with a history of exposing himself to strangers was arrested this week after someone said they saw him masturbating at an MBTA station during morning rush hour, authorities said.  Francis Costa Jr. is charged with open and gross lewdness and disorderly conduct, the Suffolk County District Attorney said. A judge ordered him held without bail for 90 days after revoking his bond from an open case.  Police were alerted to an alleged flasher on Tuesday, April 6, at the Blue Line Beachmont Station. The alleged victim told officers she was waiting for a train …