
Cold Weather

Power Outages, Flooding Possible For Eastern Massachusetts Later This Week Power Outages, Flooding Possible For Eastern Massachusetts Later This Week
Power Outages, Flooding Possible For Eastern Massachusetts Later This Week A pre-Christmas wintry mix could bring power outages, coastal flooding and damaging winds to Eastern Massachusetts as early as Thursday, Dec. 22.  Here's a summary of hazards/timing for the upcoming storm. Keep in mind bitterly cold air will follow behind the storm Friday night/Saturday. #ctwx #mawx #riwx pic.twitter.com/nislL6mvu0 — NWS Boston (@NWSBoston) December 22, 2022 The National Weather Service (NWS) expects widespread coastal flooding to impact parts of Eastern, Northeastern and Southeastern Massachusetts from Thursday night to Friday afternoon. [Strong and Potentially Dam…