
Unlawful reentry

Dominican Man Faces 20 Years In Prison After Sneaking Back Into US After Deportation: Feds Dominican Man Faces 20 Years In Prison After Sneaking Back Into US After Deportation: Feds
Dominican Man Faces 20 Years In Prison After Sneaking Back Into US After Deportation: Feds A 35-year-old Dominican man who recently finished a federal sentence on drug and weapons charges now faces 20 years in prison for violating a deportation order, federal authorities said.  Jonathan Alcequiez-Sanchez was convicted of drug distribution and weapons charges in December 2021 in Lawrence District Court and served a sentence in prison until earlier this month, the US Attorney's Office said. But Alcequiez-Sanchez is not supposed to be in the United States.  The foreign-born man was deported from the US in 2018 after police in New York arrested him for unlawful entry, …