
Connecticut Lottery

Seventh Heaven: CT Man Wins $177,777 From Lottery Ticket Seventh Heaven: CT Man Wins $177,777 From Lottery Ticket
Seventh Heaven: CT Man Wins $177,777 From Lottery Ticket Hopefully, one lottery player from Hartford County is a fan of odd numbers, as they are now…
Lucky Lotto: CT Winner Collects $825K In Scratch-Off Game Lucky Lotto: CT Winner Collects $825K In Scratch-Off Game
Lucky Lotto: CT Winner Collects $825K In Scratch-Off Game A Connecticut man is probably walking around with a huge smile after winning big on a $20…
Man Wins $500,000 CT Lottery Prize Man Wins $500,000 CT Lottery Prize
Man Wins $500,000 CT Lottery Prize A Connecticut man has claimed a $500,000 lottery prize. Hartford County resident Christopher Borkowski, of…

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