
Online Security

Scammers Are Creating Fake Customer Service Numbers In Google Searches: What To Know Scammers Are Creating Fake Customer Service Numbers In Google Searches: What To Know
Scammers Are Creating Fake Customer Service Numbers In Google Searches: What To Know New reports reveal that scammers are trying to trick Google into showing their fake numbers pretending to offer reputable services, and many are getting away with it. Google sometimes highlights impostors during searches for airlines, banks, as well as local businesses, according to a brand-new report in The Washington Post. A victim who called what Google listed as Coinbase customer support was scammed out of $100,000 in 20 minutes by an impostor, Fortune reports. Google told The Washington Post that it uses several methods to determine whether business listings are legitimate, inclu…
Police In Fairfield County Offer Residents Guidance On Preventing Holiday Package Thefts Police In Fairfield County Offer Residents Guidance On Preventing Holiday Package Thefts
Police In Fairfield County Offer Residents Guidance On Preventing Holiday Package Thefts Police are offering residents guidance on preventing the theft of holiday packages. During the holiday season, there is an increase in online shopping, which means the items will be shipped to your home, said Sgt. Dan Skoumbros, of the Darien Police Department in Fairfield County.  Skoumbros said there are concerns that package thefts will increase in the coming weeks.  To make sure you hold onto all of your gifts, police are offering some tips to ensure a safe holiday season. Package Theft: Have your package delivered to your workplace. Require a signature for deliv…
NY Post Fires Employee For False, Racist, Violent Content Targeting Politicians NY Post Fires Employee For False, Racist, Violent Content Targeting Politicians
NY Post Fires Employee For False, Racist, Violent Content Targeting Politicians A series of racist, violent headlines that were posted on the website and Twitter account of the New York Post on Thursday, Oct. 27, were carried out by an employee, Variety reports.  In a statement to the outlet, a spokesperson for the Post said an investigation had revealed that the “unauthorized conduct” was an inside job and the employee responsible has been fired. “This morning, we immediately removed the vile and reprehensible content from our website and social media accounts,” the spokesperson said. The news organization did not reveal the employee’s name. The New York Post ha…