Wilton Drivers See Increase in Traffic Stops

WILTON, Conn. – If you have driven through Wilton recently, you may have noticed an increased number of police vehicles on the road.

That is due to a stepped-up effort to address many types of traffic issues, Wilton Police Capt. John Lynch said.

“In their general patrol time, they address, speeding, violations,” Lynch said. “They address all concerns.” Patrol officers are asked to be out on the roads to “be visible” to drivers to “go out there, if you see violations, address them."

During the Police Commission meeting Monday night, commissioners were given an analysis of traffic stops that compared February 2012, 2011 and 2010.

“We’re continuing our trend up, which is fantastic,” Commission Chairman Chris Weldon said. “I’m extremely pleased to see the rise after a couple years of a downward trend.”

Police Chief Michael Lombardo pointed out that in 2011, about eight feet of snow hindered ability of officers to address motor vehicle violations.

“We’re very happy with our patrol division and all their efforts,” Lombardo said.

Not every stop results in a ticket. “We give out a lot of warnings,” Lynch said.

Have you seen an increased number of police on the roads? Tell reporter Alissa Smith.

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