Steve Brill Hunts For Wild Food At Wilton's Woodcock Nature Center

WILTON, Conn. – “Wildman” Steve Brill will hunt for wild foods at the Woodcock Nature Center in Wilton on Saturday at 3 p.m. in one of his world-famous foraging tours.

(File Photo) Steve Brill multi-tasks, teaching the crowd about wild mushrooms while giving his daughter Violet a rest.

(File Photo) Steve Brill multi-tasks, teaching the crowd about wild mushrooms while giving his daughter Violet a rest.

Photo Credit: Greg Canuel

The walking tour will run two hours. Visitors will learn about edible and medicinal wild plants and mushrooms, nature and ecology.

Tickets prices are $20 for adults and $10 for children under 12. Call 914-835-2153 at least 24 hours in advance to reserve a spot.

The Woodcock Nature Center is located at 56 Deer Run Roadin Wilton.

For more information, visit Brill’s website.

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