

What Commits Someone To Selflessness? Alena Dillon's Novel 'Mercy House' Puts Nuns Center Stage What Commits Someone To Selflessness? Alena Dillon's Novel 'Mercy House' Puts Nuns Center Stage
What Commits Someone To Selflessness? Alena Dillon's Novel 'Mercy House' Puts Nuns Center Stage If you’re lucky, you just know. Fairfield native Alena Dillon knew she wanted to write from an early age. She did the requisite sports, youth groups and choir available to most suburban children, but words — stories— were her passion. In fifth grade she wrote her first novel — a take on a popular Disney movie released at the time, “A Kid in King Arthur’s Court.” “In seventh grade I would just write unassigned short stories for my English teacher,” recalled Dillon. “She was very generous with feedback, even though they were so tragic and terrible. They were always about someone dying.” A…