7th-Grader Thrives on Greens Farms Varsity Squad

This is the second of a two-part series on Tremont Waters, a 14-year-old basketball star at Greens Farm Academy. You can read Part 1 here.

WESTPORT, Conn. – Head coach Doug Scott saw the potential in Tremont Waters as a young man and as a basketball player. Tremont transferred to Greens Farms Academy in the second semester of last school year as a sixth-grader. But little did the two know that Tremont would be ready for the varsity team come basketball season.

Taking a chance on Tremont has paid off: He has averaged more than 10 points a game coming off the bench as the Dragons’ backup point guard, good for third on the squad. Tremont is also second on the team in assists.

“Any coach just wants to win. When you go to practice you see who’s helping you, and guess what – he’s helping us,” Scott said. “Our league allows it, so as long as he keeps his grades up, we’ll keep using him.”

Tremont’s father, Ed Waters, said he was leery of recruiters who were interested solely in his son’s basketball talents. But he knew Greens Farms was the right place after he met the head coach.

“Doug Scott is one of the few people we’ve met who is focused on helping Tremont become a young man, not just a basketball player,” Ed Waters said. “It turned out to be a really great move for Tremont. He’s doing much better in school academically. His attitude is a lot better at home. He’s a better person already.”

The opportunities for his son have let Ed and his wife “breathe a sigh of relief.” He knows that through hard work, doors will open for Tremont.

“It means the world as a parent. For things to come so early, it makes us diligent and it shows Tremont that it’s possible,” Ed Waters said. “It’s not just Biblical; it’s not just a belief. It’s actual, it’s factual and he can see it. He’s in an environment now that’s conducive to his being successful.”

Tremont is still adjusting to his new surroundings and the attention he gets. He might be a prodigy on the court, but he’s a shy, growing teenager everywhere else.

“I was interested to come here and really happy when I came here,” Tremont said. “It’s been hard work, but everyone says ‘Hi, Tremont! Hi, Tremont’ in the hallways. It’s almost like I’m famous.”

Because Greens Farms took a chance on a young teen from a tough neighborhood, Tremont says he has an opportunity he once thought nearly unattainable. “I’ll get to go to college.”

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