Weston's Asst. Superintendent Leaving District

WESTON, Conn. – Thomas Scarice, assistant superintendent for the Weston school district, announced Friday that he will be leaving to become the new superintendent in Madison.

His new position, according to a release sent by Lewis Brey, Weston’s director of human resources, is pending an agreement on compensation. No date has been given on his departure.

“Weston is losing a superlative instructional leader and innovator," Superintendent of Schools Colleen Palmer said in the release. "It was inevitable that someone with Tom’s talent would be elevated to superintendent, and I am confident that Tom will excel in his new position.”

Scarice joined Weston’s administrative team in 2008, and he has worked on improving curriculum, new performance and evaluation plans for teachers, as well as the creation of the "Academic Innovation and Measurement initiative," also known as AIM. 

“Tom is an outstanding assistant superintendent, and we will be very sorry to see him leave," Philip L. Schaefer, chairman of the Weston Board of Education, said in the release. "Tom has been integral to the success of Weston’s instructional and curricular improvements, and we thank him for all of his hard work.”

The district will begin searching for a replacement immediately, Schaefer said. 

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