Study Predicts Fewer Students in Weston Schools

WESTON, Conn. – A major decline in enrollment is projected across the board for the Weston school district in the next decade, according to a new report issued to the Board of Education.

According to the report, which was conducted by the New England School Development Council, Weston will see a 14 percent decrease in district enrollment by 2021.

The decline stems from several factors, according to Lewis Brey, who presented the report to the Board of Education recently. Brey said the enrollment rates, the migration of students coming in and out of the district, students being held back, birth rates in the community, new home construction, economic conditions and residential turnover can all factor in the projections.

A “significant decrease” will be seen in the next decade, he said. For kindergarten through second grade, the projection is for 496 students enrolled this school year, versus 430 projected for 2021. At the middle school, there is a projected student population of 628 for this school year, compared with 504 projected for 2021. At the high school, 758 students are projected for this year versus 688 projected for 2021.

But Brey said the board shouldn't take these predctions too seriously because they have a history of being inaccurate. As an example, he said similar projections have been incorrect, just look to last year's projections that said 475 students were expected at the elementary school, but 496 students enrolled. He also said at the middle school, originally projected at 646 students, saw 628 students enroll.

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