Residents Criticize Joel Barlow AP Course

Redding residents Ken McAdam and Saul Cornell are concerned that Joel Barlow High School will continue to offer a "flawed" AP course.

Both said they have children who took an AP history course at the high school. McAdam said his daughter was "frustrated by the process" and that the experience was very different than a college course, which it is supposed to be the equivalent to.

"It became a prep course for the exam," McAdam said at a Tri-Board meeting Monday night. "Why are we going to do this to our children?"

Cornell said it is "cavalier" for the curriculum committee to not have acted on this matter.

"The education testing service made it clear that the current curriculum is not satisfactory," said Cornell, who said he has been teaching American history for 20 years. "[The students] are being harmed by the curriculum."

Mark Lewis, chairman of the Tri-Board, said this is a topic for the new superintendent, who officially begins July 15.

"I don't believe we're going to make any changes," said Lewis. He said there are "significant alternate views" about the course and that two of his children found it to be "outstanding preparation" for college years ago.

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