Westport Police: Trumbull Motorcyclist Popped Wheelie During Chase

WESTPORT, Conn. — A motorcyclist did a celebratory "wheelie" as he raced away from a Westport Police officer and escaped down Interstate 95 last month, police said. 

On Thursday, the motorcyclist was "wheeled in" by Westport Police and arrested. 

Jordan Klein, 22, of 85 Horse Tavern Road, Trumbull, was charged with reckless driving, failure to display inserts and disobeying an officer. 

At 9:30 p.m. Feb. 24, Officer David Scinto saw two motorcyclists race out of a parking lot at 606 Post Road E. and speed onto the Sherwood Island Connector, police said. 

As Scinto attempted to stop the motorcyclists, one began to cut in and out of traffic, accelerate through the stop sign at the entrance to I-95 northbound and then do the wheelie as he sped away, police said. 

The second motorcyclist stopped and was issued an infraction for driving a motorcycle without a license, police said. He said he only knew the other motorcyclist by the name of Jordan and thought he might be from Trumbull.

Working with Trumbull Police, Scinto was able to identify Klein, who confessed when he was interviewed, police said. Klein turned himself in on Thursday after police obtained an arrest warrant.

Klein posted $5,000 bond and is scheduled to make his first court appearance on March 30.

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